Delights Membership Program 

  1. Membership Enrolment

    1.1 To join the Delights Membership Program as a member (‘Member”), pleaseregisterby submitting an e-application providing yourfull name, mobile number and emailaddress (mandatory fields) through the City Chain website(,Solvil-et-Titus website ( or Apps(“Membership Platform”).  Thereis currently no enrolment fee for joiningthe Delights Membership Program.


1.2 Uponsuccessful enrolment,Members automatically receive Silver Membership. Membersfulfilling thequalifying spending within the membership validity period atdesignated stores willbe upgraded to higher membership tiers. Please refer tosection 2.1 for details.


1.3 TheDelights MembershipProgram is open to individuals aged 18 or above. City Chainreserves the rightto grant, refuse or terminate Membership at its sole discretion.


  1. Delights Membership Program Scheme

    2.1 There are 3 membership tiers for the Delights Membership Program- Silver,Gold and Platinum. The qualifying spending required to upgrade orrenew DelightsMembership tiers is indicated below:

Membership Tier




Qualifying Spending


Net Spending* of HK$1-HK$4,999 at designated stores+

Accumulated Net Spending* of HK$5,000  within the membership validity period at designated stores+

Membership Validity Period



12 months from the date of joining, upgrade or renewal, whichever occurs later

*Net Spending means the amount on thesales memo after the deduction ofany discounts and/or the value of any discountcoupons


+Designated stores refer to City Chainstores (City Chain,City Chain Primo, City Chain Glam, C Square, Color Colors),City Chain outlets,Seiko boutiques, Solvil-et-Titus boutiques, City Chainwebsite ( Solvil-et-Tituswebsite ( in Hong Kong.


2.2Membership will be upgraded/renewedautomatically within 24 hours upon themember fulfilling the qualifyingspending within the membership validity period.Platinum members who cannotfulfill the qualifying spending required within themembership validity periodwill be downgraded to Gold Membership.


2.3Members may enjoy the followingprivileges in accordance with his/her membershiptier.

(1)Discount offer;

(2)Welcome offer;


(4)After-saleservices (only applicable to Gold and Platinum Members);

(5)LimitedEdition Pre-order (only applicable to selected Members).


^Birthday Offer can be used once only withinthe member’s birthday month and cannot be used in conjunction with otherpromotional offers. Members are required to enroll in the Delights MembershipProgram no later than the first day of the month immediately preceding themember’s birthday month in order to enjoy the Birthday Offer. Other terms &conditions listed on the Birthday Coupon apply.  

2.3Allmembershipprivileges including discounts, services, points and coupons usage will only be honored uponpresentation of Delights Membership on Membership Platform by the member in person.

2.4 The Delights Membershipis a personal membership and membership privileges may only be enjoyed by the member. The Membershipas well as its privileges and accumulated points are non-transferable. EachMember is only eligible for one membership. Neither qualifying spending norpoints accumulated can be combined if multiple membership accounts are created by aMember.

  1. Delights Points and Rewards Redemption Program

    3.1. DelightsPoints (“Points”) will be awarded to a Member after membership verification andcompletion of a purchase. All members will earn 1 point for everyHK $ 1 spend (net price) on purchase of Solvil et Titus, CYMA, Ellesse, SmashII and Universal Geneve ; members will earn 1 point for every HK $ 5 spend (netprice) on purchase of other brands; Points will not be issued for the purchaseof Grand Seiko、watches with discount more than 30% off or non-watch products.


3.2Points will be awarded and updated within1-2 working days from the completiondate of the transaction at designated stores. Deposit transactions do not earnany Points, and full payment must be madebefore any Points can be earned.


3.3Members can login to the Membership Platform to check their updatedtransactions and Points.

3.4 If a Member is entitled to a refund for any goods purchased, the Poin

tsawarded for that purchase will be deducted from and adjusted in his/hermembership account when/after the refund is made. For coupons utilized by wayof Points redemption, where a refund is not possible, City Chain reserves theright to claim losses from a Member.

3.5 Memberspurchase at designated stores can earn Points after membershipverification. However, if a customer completes a transaction before he/shebecomes a Member,he/she cannot claim the Points relating to that priortransaction.


3.6Earningof Points may be subject to change during special promotions, withoutpriornotice.

3.7 Points earned under any membership tier are valid for 365 days fromthe datethe Points are earned (“Points ValidityPeriod”). All unused Points will beforfeited after the expiry of the PointsValidity Period.

3.8 A Member who has accumulated sufficient Points in his/her membershipaccount is entitled to redeem coupons or gifts through the Membership Platform.Available coupons and gifts shall belisted at the “Reward Program” section ofthe Membership Platform. Redemption items are limited, and are available whilestockslast. When stock is unavailable, City Chain will contact the Member forfurther arrangement.


3.9Members from Hong Kong must complete the redemption at City Chain website ( website ( in Hong Kong.

3.10 Upon redemption of a coupon or gift, the respective Points will bedeductedfrom the membership account. Points with the earliest expiry dates arededucted for redemption first. All redemption requestwill be regarded asredemption made by the Member in person.


3.11For redemption of CityChain rebate coupons, all coupons will automatically besaved at a Member’saccount upon redemption confirmation.


3.12For redemption of othercoupons or gifts, City Chain will either send aredemption letter or the actualcoupons / gifts to the Member’s delivery addressin 30 working days. A delivery address with a P.O box is not accepted. Membersare required toprovide a valid local contact number and delivery address fordelivery.


3.13In case a redemptionletter is sent to the Member, the Member has to present theoriginal of theredemption letter and Delights Membership on Membership Platformto collect or use theredeemed item at the designated location(s). Collectionand usage of theredeemed item is subject to terms and conditions as listed onthe Membership Platform. Members arerequired to collect or use the redeemeditem within the specific period. Nore-issue or compensation will be arrangedafter the item collection or usage period.


3.14All coupons and gifts offered for pointredemption as listed on the MembershipPlatform as well ascorresponding Points required are subject to change fromtime to time withoutprior notice.

3.15Norefund, exchange, or cancellation of redemption is allowed upon redemptionconfirmation.


3.16Members are responsible for, and are required to payall customs charges, postalclearance fees, import duties and taxes (includingall associated handling andadministrative fees charged by local customs ordelivery service providers)where applicable at the destination. All fees aresubject to change withoutprior notice. City Chain shall be deemed to havedischarged its deliveryobligations once the redeemed gifts are sent to thedelivery service providerfor dispatch.


3.17All gifts/services are manufactured or provided bythird parties. City Chain isneither the supplier nor manufacturer of anygifts/services and excludes allliability in respect therefor.


3.18City Chain is not responsible or liable in any wayfor the warranty and/ormaintenance (if any) of the gifts. Members are advisedto contact the thirdparty of gift producer directly should there be any queryor dispute concerningthe product warranty and/or maintenance.


  1. Coupon Usage

    4.1 All coupons, including birthday coupons, cash coupons and rebatecouponsredeemed with Points, can be found at the Member’s account of theMembershipPlatform.

    4.2 Usage of all coupons is subject to the terms and conditionscontainedherein.

    4.3 Coupons cannot be exchanged for cash, whether in whole or in part.


4.4Coupons arenon-transferrable, and may be used by the Member in person only(except special promotional coupons).

4.5 The maximum 40% of the net purchase amount can only be deducted bytherebate coupons redeemed by Points.


4.6The net amount afterrebate coupons will be entitled for Points only, when therebate coupons are usedat the transaction.


4.7In case of disputes, the decision of City Chain shall be final and conclusive.

  1. Others

    5.1 It takes within 1-2 working days to update records on the MembershipPlatform, which includes but is notlimited to a Members’ personal information,purchase history, Pointstransaction record and Points balance.

    5.2 As the Membership Platform operates through systems which rely onnetworkslike communication networks and electricity networks, which may bebeyond thecontrol of City Chain, City Chain cannot guarantee that theMembership Platformwill operate efficiently at all times. However, City Chainwill make allreasonable commercial efforts to ensure our system supports theoperations inconnection with the Membership Platform.

    5.3 City Chain may provide Members with new services associated with themembershipfrom time to time, and these new services will be governed by theseterms and conditions and the terms and conditions of the respectiveservices.

    5.4 If a Member breaches or City Chain have reasonable grounds to believe thataMember has breached these terms and conditions or involved in fraudulenttransactions, City Chain mayeliminate those fraudulent transaction records orsuspend or terminate his/hermembership and/or forfeit the awarded Pointsimmediately and seek to recover any damages that the breach may have causedCityChain, its directors, employees, agents, affiliates and business partners.

    5.5 City Chain may make changes to the Delights Membership Programandrelated terms and conditions from time to timewithout prior notice. A copyof the latest version of these terms and conditions is available on CityChainwebsite (, Solvil-et-Titus website( or the Membership Platform.

    5.6 In the event the Delights Membership Program is to beterminated, City Chainwill inform Members of further arrangements by givingprior notice at least 1 monthin advance through the Membership Platform, e-mailor SMS.

    5.7 In no case shall City Chain, its directors, employees, agents,affiliatesand business partners be liable for any loss, damage, costs orexpenses arisingfrom or connected with the Delights Membership Program and/orthe use of the MembershipPlatform.

    5.8 In the event of inconsistencies between the English and Chinese versionsofthese terms and conditions, the Englishversion shall prevail.